Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New blog

Hello this is Mugen and Solo's human mom. I realized recently that I like to try out lots of dog toys for these guys, Also they tend to kill dogs toys quickly. Before Cardigan's my terriers would keep toys in good condition for years. Now stuff that I thought was sturdy get's killed and is in tiny pieces all over my living room in minutes. Since I do like to try out anything and I do I will start doing write ups of what works and what doesn't for these guys. I think that most people don't realize how big of chewers corgis are until I tell them that Mugen goes through a souper sized Nylabone about every 5 weeks. He makes Labs look like they don't have mouths. Of course he is very good about destroying only toys and leaves the rest of the house alone. (Good Boy) I will have write ups with pictures, also if you have any suggestions for toys you want tried out tell me and I'll get it and write that up too!